Tuesday 19 June 2007

Sticky Rice w Mangoes

In Thai known as KHAO NIAOW MA MUANG
2c sticky rice
31/2c coconut milk(santan)
1/3c sugar
1/2tsp salt
1/2tsp cornflour
  1. soak rice for 4hr, rinse, steam
  2. mix 3cup santan with sugar + 1/4tsp salt. stir in the cooked rice, mix well.
  3. mix 1/2cup santan with cornflour + 1/4tsp salt together in a small pan. bring to a boil, simmer for 2 min.
  4. Place the sticky rice onto serving plate. spoon cornflour sauce over the top & arrange mango slices on th edge.
like w durian more.


  1. kak jo, sticky rice ni pulut ke?? glutinous rice?? time bln pose ni mcm2 la rsa nk mkn..hehe..nafsu mkn sungguh..btw, wa da trun berat skilo..ekeke..:)

  2. aah..sama la tu..dua dua sama..heheh..nafsuuuuu
